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2024 December "A Time for Giving Thanks!!"

Susie Gorski | Published on 11/30/2024

2024 December, “A Time for Giving and Thanks!!”


Thanks to everyone who helped with the Crab Feed—Jane and Michael Asbury, Bill Baratuci and Linda and Bill James, our latest meeting and the Nominating Committee—Susie Gorski, Van Helker, Maggie Smith and Debbie Williams. Thanks also for the cruise captains (Robert and Gail Chanpong and Rhonda and Jim Turner) for their work on the December cruise to Kingston and Bell Harbor. This has become a special holiday tradition for our club.

I am sorry to miss the Holiday Party on December 14th. I leave you in Paul’s capable hands. For all who attend, I am sure you will have a great time. Don’t forget the New Year’s Eve gathering at In Between at 5:30PM, followed by the events at First Night in downtown Port Townsend. Bill and I hope you can join us.

As I mentioned at the November meeting, the board plans on conducting a survey to get your feedback on the venues we tried this past year. The survey will include pricing information to help you factor that in with your feedback. It will also provide room size, capacity and a list of the amenities available at each venue. Look for that in your club email soon.

Thanks for responding to the cruise planning survey. There are many short and longer cruise options to choose from, so we look forward to seeing you on the water in 2025.

I was reminded by Ilona Bell this is my last Commodore’s Column. I have enjoyed serving as your Commodore and will continue working with the Board next year. The Board has been very active and engaged. They are full of great ideas. Their willingness to both uphold traditions and explore new ways of doing things, for the benefit of the club and our many volunteers, is impressive.

I send a sincere thank you to all our board members for the extra work they have done to make this a successful year, while planning for our club’s future. In addition to the typical duties of each board member, they have taken on countless additional responsibilities for events, membership outreach and other activities which have been an extraordinary benefit to our club and our scholarships and community outreach objectives.

I look forward to seeing you at various club events in 2025. There have been so many things that make this a special group, but primarily it comes down to the adventures and the friendships we have enjoyed over the years. It does not matter how many adventures or friends we have enjoyed, there is always room for more.

Here is a toast to each of you and best wishes in 2025!

Eileen Baratuci

Contact the PTYC Commodore: Commodore

There is nothing-absolutely nothing-half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats. Kenneth Grahame