2024 Boutique and Rummage Sale A Wonderful Success!
Susie Gorski | Published on 10/16/2024
First, before the results, we want to acknowledge that there were many hands that made these two events possible. Setup and events took place over a six day period. Please know that our organizers are so very grateful for your time, talents and energy that you shared guaranteeing success.
Garage Sale: Our leads for this event were Wendy Weeks who worked for six straight days, and Linda James. Linda did lots of the preliminary work, but ended up directing from afar and from her hospital bed as she was able to get an earlier appointment for her knee replacement! (Hmmmm rummage sale organization versus knee replacement....hard choice!) Regarding the Rummage Sale, we did not have as many high end items as we have had in the past. We suspect that you all must have cleaned out your closets and garages. Good Job! Having said that, we really did quite well. There were many volunteers who spent a lot of time with us throughout the four days (sorry...I didn't make a list), but I specifically want to recognize Scott Love's tallness -- he is our hero for hanging all the overhead signs.
Women's Boutique: Jane Asbury supported by Houlton Madinger, Linda James and Susie Gorski took on the Boutique event. Setup for that was Sunday and the event was Monday from 4 - 6. For $20 each, our members and friends could shop to their hearts content and take home anything they wanted at no additional charge. We offered wine and sodas, light snacks, and beautiful music. About 30 members and friends attended the event. Historically, women's clothing was part of the garage sale and the selections were piled on tables... most of it went untouched. Finally, Bill James and Jim Gorski are to be commended for hauling trash, bringing wine glasses, hauling room dividers and clothing racks (donated by Unity Church of PT), accessing the attic umpteen times and providing some very needed muscle.
Rummage (Garage Sale) $2097
Women's Boutique $646 (about $250 more than expected)
Total: $2743 --- For our Scholarship Fund!
Additionally,, there are items up on EBay and clothing headed for consignment, so our total is still preliminary.
The Club photo album should be up soon so you can check out these events.
🤗 Thank you everyone!