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A Time for Giving Thanks!!

Eileen Baratuci | Published on 10/29/2024

Thanks to everyone who helped with our Rummage Sale and Lady’s Boutique and for those who worked on selling items on eBay. Thanks to those of you who donated items for both sales. We raised around $2,600 for scholarships and we still have a few items to sell via eBay.

Our November General meeting will feature Chip Hanauer. We have an important business meeting following his presentation. We will vote on a new roster for the Board and Trustee positions, our 2025 (proposed) Budget and proposals to update our Bylaws and Policies. Everything you will need to vote will be included in the meeting announcement attachments. We will need a quorum for voting, so please stay for the business meeting, so we can get our annual business completed, in order to keep the meeting super short during our Holiday Party in December.

As always, check out our website and The Baggywrinkle for more information on all our winter events, including some new informal get-togethers. Jane has coordinated a wine tasting at Marrowstone Vineyards on November 1st (see calendar) and Bill and I are planning a New Year’s Eve gathering focused on participating in Port Townsend’s First Night events on Madison Street and City Hall. The events at First Night begin at 3:00 PM and feature live music, circus arts, food vendors, lantern making, fire pits and fireworks. 

A suggested donation of $10 is requested by the event organizers. We designated a time and meetup location of 5:30PM at the “In Between,” before joining the lantern making activity. The Lantern Parade starts at 7:00 PM and will be accompanied by two live band performances. We will stay to watch fireworks display at 8 PM. You will be back home before 9 PM! We hope you can join us. The board also plans on conducting a survey to get your feedback on the venues we tried this past year. The survey will include pricing information to help you factor that in with your feedback. Look for that in your club email soon. 

See you at our November 9th Crab Feed and our final cruise of the year to Seattle’s Bell Harbor via the Port of Kingston. Our next meeting on November 12th will also have the Commodore’s Quiz . . . Come prepared! 

"There is nothing-absolutely nothing-half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats." Kenneth Grahame

Commodore Eileen