2025 January Workshop Update
Dale Moses | Published on 1/28/2025
Boating Experiences Workshop Held
We had our 9th workshop for Boating Experiences on Saturday, January 25th in our clubhouse. World sailor and racer Dan Newland gave a great talk on his experiences sail boating all over the world. We had forty-six attendees, nearly double our previous audience record including eight non-club members, six from Pleasant Harbor YC. Everyone seemed to enjoy Dan’s experience, humor, and several of his “terror” stories! He even brought one of his sailboat models to demonstrate how sails can dip in the water and break spinnaker booms or even masts! We spent time talking about diesel fuel contamination as well – that made power boaters stay awake. Several attendees later said it was the best one of the BE series yet! Kudos to Dan.
Our next BE workshop will be Saturday, April 26th when Grayson Conner will give us a different perspective of sailing in many parts of the world but not racing. Stay tuned. Happy, and safe, boating this Spring. As always, we are open for good ideas on future Boating Experiences sessions.