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Autumn Musings

Jim Gorski | Published on 10/1/2022

Gorskis at Pleasant Harbor Cruise
Easing out of our summer respite began with our September member meeting at the Clubhouse, highlighted by the annual pre-meeting soup and salad potluck. As usual, food was plentiful, and it was great to see so many folks back enjoying food, drink, and friendship. We did ask members and guests to sign in before the meeting for contact tracing should someone end up testing positive for Covid. A day or two after the meeting, this did occur, and we put the contact tracing list to good use. I suspect that this will be an inevitable fact of life for the foreseeable future. However, with the availability of vaccines, most members have not objected to the in-person meetings, and many were appreciative of being alerted to the exposure. 

October is going to be a big month for our Club. It begins with our second, Shared Boating Experience Seminar on Saturday morning, October 8, which will focus on “Planning for a Boat Trip.” Our October 11 member meeting will feature a roll out of the club’s new website platform and the many features it will bring to our online capabilities. Our speaker will be PTYC Member Lisa Brandes, who has been leading a team of members to migrate our existing website information to this new platform. 

Since this topic will be the featured presentation, there should be adequate time to see how this website will function and address questions you may have. Additionally, the slate of Officers and Board for 2023 will be announced at this meeting, with elections to be held at our November meeting.

Following the member meeting, many of us will be working on transforming the clubhouse into a garage sale market in anticipation of the Saturday, October 15 event. Please sign up to help and bring your donations to the Clubhouse starting at 1pm on Saturday afternoon, October 8th, after the Boating Experience Seminar, and then as scheduled during the ensuing week. Remember, all proceeds benefit our Scholarship Fund. Also, don’t forget to mark your calendar for our 2023 Cruise and Event planning meeting on Saturday, October 29. It is important to set cruise destinations now, so that marina reservations can be made, and social events can be scheduled for the upcoming year. Early calendaring of events and cruises allows us time to line up captains and organizers well in advance.

And finally, you all should have received the link to a Google Survey for the Members to help the Club with some long-term planning issues. You do not need a Google account to access the survey, but it is important and helpful if we hear from as many of our members as possible. The survey will also help your Board navigate our Club’s way forward, so please take the time to be part of the process and make your voice heard. So, I think it is fair to say vacation is over and it’s time to get to work! 

Commodore Jim