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November Member Meeting Program

Marta Krissovich | Published on 10/24/2022

Bob Bergstrom

Traditional Navigation in the Age of Electronics

Speaker:  Club Member Extraordinaire, Bob Bergstrom

Traditional navigation. Your boat's compass. How it works, how to adjust it, and how to get the most from it.  The Marine Sextant, The Noon Sight, easy/fun with simple arithmetic. The handbearing compass, the ultimate backup. Determine your position with LOP’s on a paper chart.

For anyone who sailed away from land in the 1980’s, it was just called navigation.

Bob has been cruising up and down the coast since the mid 1980’s before Loran C and GPS.  With over 100 trips as skipper, navigator and delivery captain he is well versed in these techniques and as a professional compass adjustor he is a good resource for repairing a marine compass and using it in conjunction with GPS and RADAR.

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