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Because We CARE

Jim Gorski | Published on 11/28/2022

As I sat down to write my last Commodore column for the Baggywrinkle, I wrestled with finding the right theme. Initially, I thought about this past year: our 75th as a Yacht Club; the resilience of our members as we navigated our way out of Covid-19; ZOOM limitations; meeting regularly in the Clubhouse, again; and enthusiastically planning for unfettered cruising opportunities.

Then I thought about the many Club members who have devoted countless volunteer hours to a myriad of activities to keep us all connected and further the goals and mission of our Club. But we already know that our members are great people who frequently lend a helping hand or share their expertise for our common good.

As I wrestled with writer’s block, it dawned on me that the story behind all this, what makes our Club such an enduring entity that has survived and thrived over 75 years, is that our members CARE. And the caring isn’t just about the Club. For example, like many of our members, I managed to get down to the marina to check on our sailboat after the early November windstorm. There were a lot of other Club members doing the same thing: checking on their boats, their neighbor’s boats, and indeed, on each other. The CARE shown in responding to the weather event was in hindsight obviously; but at the same time, comforting. And then, upon reflection, the acts of CARING started adding up. 

Notwithstanding Covid-19 issues, we managed to schedule and then fulfill a full summer of cruises and related activities.

Our Club members CARED enough about the Club’s future, to take the time to fill out the survey form: asking for input on how the club operated in the past, and what might be important for the future. Well over half our members CARED enough to participate in the special member meeting, early on a Saturday morning no less, to discuss our Club’s lease situation with the Port, how our Clubhouse factored in that relationship, and what the future Port relationship could look like.

The list of CARING examples goes on and on. But what is unmistakable, is that the countless hours of time devoted to our Club—whether planning, doing, participating or simply supporting the Club and its endeavors— comes about because each of you CARES about this 75 year old Club and its members. And that realization put a smile on my face. Regardless of the headwinds the Club may face, as it charts its future course, the ethics of our members will see to it that the Club endures and thrives for years to come.

It has been my honor to serve as your Commodore and I thank you for all the support offered over this past year. May you all enjoy the best of this Holiday Season.